Before any activity can be carried out by MacSurvey with a survey definition, the definition must be activated by choosing Load Survey from the Survey menu (or by pressing ‚åò-L).
Only one definition at a time can be active in MacSurvey. A definition can be loaded at any time, even if another one is already loaded. In such a case, the active definition will be unloaded automatically by MacSurvey before loading another one. Since it automatically saves database entries and revisions to the definition as they are made, MacSurvey won’t lose any data or revisions in one definition when another one is loaded.
After it is loaded, the definition’s name is displayed in the application window’s title bar. The number of questionnaires in the definition’s database appears after the definition’s name.
Only after a definition is loaded can the following activity be requested from the Survey menu:
• Questionnaire data can be entered by choosing Input Data ⌘-I
• Questionnaire data from a different definition can be merged into the active definition’s database by choosing Merge Data Files ⌘-M
• Questionnaire text can be edited by choosing Edit Questionnaire ⌘-E
• Questionnaire text can be saved to a printable document by choosing Generate Questionnaire ⌘-G
• The definition can be copied by choosing Clone Loaded Survey (no data is copied)
• The definition can be deleted by choosing Delete Loaded Survey (all data is deleted)
Only after a definition is loaded and questionnaire data has been entered can the following activity be requested from the Survey menu: